7 reasons to ditch your smartphone now

“Out of ignorance or laziness or timidity, we've turned Luddites into caricatures, emblems of backwardness. We assume that anyone who rejects a new tool in favor of an older one is guilty of nostalgia, of making choices sentimentally rather than rationally…

What makes one tool superior to another has nothing to do with how new it is. What matters is how it enlarges or diminishes us, how it shapes our experience of nature and culture and one another.

To cede choices about the texture of our daily lives to a grand abstraction called progress is folly.”

There are seven reasons listed, but you will find more…

The Reasons


Ennui || Preface | What is a Pathway… | The First Pathway…

Reason 1 // To notice more fractals
Reason 2
// To build an ecology
Reason 3
// To learn to draw
Reason 4
// To live in alignment
Reason 5
// To embrace your finitude
Reason 6
// To tell a better story
Reason 7
// To receive an asceticism

Précis || A unified body… | Centering reasons…
References & Footnotes

How to demote your smartphone | How to ditch your smartphone

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